Thursday, August 15, 2013


Take a feather of crow which should not be taken out deliberately.. Take only the one which comes out naturally. Then blow air from mouth on it and chant this mantra simultaneously om kaakbhushandi namah sarvajan mohay mohay vashya vashya kuru kuru swaahaa. Do as this for 108 times. Then burn it and collect ashes of it. Then place ashes in front and give the acense of Loban dhup to it and again chant the same mantra without any rosary facing towards south direction. Then do the tilak of this ash for 7 consecutive days. By doing this you will everyone enamoured towards you.

By keeping peacock feather in your worship area it enhances the prosperity in life.

By chanting this mantra Om namo kaalraatri sarvashatru naashay namah on donkeys teeth for 108 times and entomb under lonely place can relieve you from all your enemies.

If you found owl feather and then if you chant this mantra Om ullukana vidhveshay phat for 1000 times and throw it at away at any house can create malicious in that house.

If you make a lamp from the cotton of calotropis gigantean plant (a medicinal plant) and flamed it at any Lord shiva temple can make him happy. By doing such act the planetary malefic effects would get away.

The root of Harebell keeps quite important in itself, by establishing it in house and worshipping goddess Mahakali and chanting the Beej mantra Kreem can relieve you from financial crisis.

Plant the creeping leaves of undefeated plant at your house. Give it incense on daily basis and chant the mantra Om mahalaxmi vaanchitaarth pooray poray namah for 108 times can complete your wishes.

At any lonely place just chant this mantra Pret moksham pradombhavah  for 11 times and keep  sweet kheer and water their itself. Do it for three consecutive days will definitely complete your wish.

While incensing use the sandal wood piece and then flame it in house. This will keep your home happy.

At any active shrine or grave place distributing sweets is termed as very auspicious. Well this is mentioned in ancient books also. This leads to progress in many ways.

Spiritual counseling for leading a spiritual way of life. Beginners can Take Guru Mantar Deksha .Post your photo on Followers for Guru mantar Deksha / Sadhna procedure and pran pratishtia yantar or mala .

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