Monday, August 8, 2011

Enemy Trouble And You

Enemy Trouble And You
Life is nothing but a confluence of good and bad. And when one's stars are unfavourable, enemities spring up, enemy minds start working overtime, problems are created in one's life and rumours are spread with an aim to mar one's reputation. Retailiation could get one into further trouble; but there is a way out that is easy as well as effective. To Pacify enemies and adversaries, light a holy fire and then make oblations of a mixture of black pepper seeds, yellow mustard seeds and black sesamum seeds, chanting the following Mantra. Do this for 25 minutes.
|| Om Bham Bheiravaay Vijayam Dehi Om Phat ||
And soon enough you shall feel all opposition whittling down. No Sadhana article is needed in this ritual.

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